Monday, August 17, 2009

The interntet , The web and electronic commerce

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) authoring language used to create documents on the worldwide web. HTML related to the structure and layout of a web documentby using of a variety of tags and attributes. The correct structure for an HTML document starts with (enter here what document is about) and ends with .

2. Javascript
As known as Jscript in Microsoft . Javascript is a scripting language to enable web authors to design interactive sites. The structure is full of Java language. java can interact with HTML source code. Enabling web authors to spice up their sites with dynamic content.

3. Applets
Applets is a program designed to be excuted from within another appication. Unlike an application, applets cannot be executed directly from the operating system. With the growing popularity of OLE (object linking and embedding), applets are becoming more prevalent. A well-designed applet can be invoked from many different applications.

4. Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce
One of the most common models in E-Commerce is the Business-To-Consumer (B2C) model. In B2C transactions, online transactions are made between businesses and individual consumers. Businesses sell products and services through electronic channels directly to the consumer.

5. Consumer-to-COnsumer E-Commerce
Consumer2Consumer (C2C) or as it is sometimes referred to Peer2Peer (P2P) exchanges involve all transactions between and among consumers. These transactions can also include third party involvement, usually in the form of those who facilitate the marketplace such as C2C exchanges can include clasified ads, music and file sharing, career and job websites and also personal services such as dating website .

6. File Transfer Protocol
File Transfer Protocol is a network protocol used to exchange and manipulate files over a TCP/IP based network, such as the internet. FTP is built on a client-server architecture and utilizes separate control and data connections between the client and server applications.

7. Filters
Filters is a program that designed for check input or output request for qualifying criteria that process or forward it accordingly. Filters also sometime used to insert header or control characters in data.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

No fear : )

Hallo . kira-kira sampe hari ini pas 1 bulan gw berada di Malaysia . Tapi sampai sekarang masih gak nyangka lho kalo gw bisa sekolah di luar negeri . Flashback sedikit, gw sekolah di luar negeri itu keputusan gw ga pake mikir karena waktu itu gw lagi patah hati putus sama cowo pertama gw dan gw uda janji sama diri sendiri bakal mau pergi jauh dan sekolah di luar biar bisa lupain mantan pertama , dan it's work ! gw uda lupain dia an uda rela dia sama cewe lain . Tapi efeknya sekarang gw terdampar disini dan masih tetap gak nyangka karena hal itu gw di Malaysia, jauh dari keluarga dan teman-teman terdekat .
Well, pertama kali sampai disini gw pesimis banget dan banyak hal yang gw takutin dari mulai takut ga dapet temen, takut kesepian, takut gak bisa mandiri sampe takut tidur sendiri (padahal di Jakarta gw tidurnya juga sendiri ahahahahha konyol sekali saya )
Minggu pertama tepatnya 10 hari nyokap temenin gw disini untuk beradaptasi . Well , selama 10 hari penuh dengan shopping dan gw masih gak dapet temen di Malaysia . Nah pas nyokap uda balik ke Jakarta baru gw pusing dan lonely karena gw gak punya temen selain temen-temen gw yang berangkat bareng dari Indo . Dan yang bikin pusing lagi dari yang tadinya gw gak bisa nyuci baju , ngepel , nyapu , setrika dan akhirnya gw harus menghadapi kenyataan kalo gw musti cuci baju sendiri dan apa- apa sendiri , sampe cari makan juga harus cari sendiri . Pas di Indo gw gak perna mikirin sampe situ lho makanya gw agak shock pas ditinggal nyokap hahaha .
Pas masuk college akhirnya dengan sifat gw yang agak SKSD gw dapet la beberapa teman hahaha menyenangkan . Dan akhirnya beberapa jadi teman gw sampe sekarang .
Oh ya sebenarnya sebelum gw pergi ke Malaysia gw uda bisa ngelupain mantan pertama lho . Itu karena waktu itu gw deket sama cowo yang inisial namanya Y . Gw sempet sedih kenapa kenal dia telat sampe harus gw pergi ke Malaysia dulu baru gw sadar kalo dia bisa bikin gw lupain mantan pertama . Sesampai di Malaysia dia juga tetap kontek gw dan temenin gw lewatin hari yang menurut gw si agak susa dilewatin ahahah . Cuma sekarang gw uda gak sama dia lagi karena hubungan long distance amat sangat susah . Gw tau gw bakal nyesel lepasin orang sebaik itu cuma keadaan sini gak memungkinkan , daripada makin lama diterusin tar sama" makin sakit mending gw putusin dari sekarang . toh kalo emang jodoh gak kemana - kemana ya kan . ahahaha . gw jadi curhat di blog ini . Tapi gw harus bisa ambil keputusan lah dan harus ambil resiko dari apa yang gw putuskan karena kata koko angkat gw yang bernama Michael Tan yang biasa dipanggil ameX kata dia kalo mau jadi bos harus bisa ambil keputusan dan terima segala resiko . Itu kenapa gw berani ambil keputusan walo bener" sakit bener dah .
Well maksud gw dari blog ini selain iseng" gw buat karena gak ada kerjaan sekalian kasitau pengalaman gw di Malaysia dan sekarang gw uda kebiasa idup di negara orang . Jadi jangan takut untuk kuliah di Luar Negeri karena setiap ketakutan yang kita rasain sebenernya gak seserem yang kita bayangin kalo kita hadapin dan terus mencoba . Good luck yang bakal mau sekolah di luar . Ingat ketakutan itu cuma berasal dari kita sendiri dan kita yang ciptain .

Monday, August 3, 2009

Careers in iT

Those who really curious about computer system, how it works or want to create a game probably suggested to study iT .

There are many careers in iT such as Webmaster, Computer support specialist, Technical writer, Software engineer, Network administrator, Database administrator, System analyst, and Proggrammer. Some of us maybe didn't know about all the careers yet and i make this blog so it maybe can be more useful for those who really interested about iT and could add more knowledge for us who still didn't know about iT and all the careers.

First of all i would like to explain about Webmaster. Webmaster is a person who creating the website, making sure the hardware and software work properly, and even selling products or services. Being a Webmaster should have a high resposibility because they covered all about website so we can used it more effectively .

The second career is Computer support specialist. Being a Computer support specialist quite fun. We can enabling business and individual users to navigate increasingly complex technology, testing new software for reliability, involve searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally. And being a Computer support specialist must good at Mathematics like arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications.

Next career is Technical writer. Technical writer is someone who usually write about technical documentations for technical, business, and consumer audiences. So when the webmaster make a website and the techical writer write the user guides to understand more about the website.

The fourth one is Software engineer. Software engineer is someone who usually testing new software programs, finding fault in programs, and developing existing programs by analysing and identifying areas for modification. Software engineers usually become a specialist in systems and appications. And take a hug number of empoyed.

If you like to oversees the computer networks to ensure they are function smoothly then Network administrator should be suitable for your next future career. A network administrator should be strong it math, sciences and computer sciences. We also need to have a good organizational, and logical thinking skills.

Not like Network administrator, Database administrator used to writing database documentation and managing the performance of database itself, control and securing the database. Increasing the number of hacking makes this job become and important aspect of the work.

Being a system analyst are responsible to provide system-level support of multi-user operating systems, hardware and software tools, including installation, configuration, maintenance, and support of these systems. Identify alternatives for optimizing computer resources. If we want to be a good system analyst we must good at writing, reading and arithmetic skill which we already got them since in high school.

At last , next job is proggramer . Proggramer is a job which create operating systems and another may develop computer games. Proggramer have two jobs in common : they all write code and solve problems .